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Law Firm Best Practices for Docketing Data Migration

Enhancing risk mitigation and optimizing productivity are two of the most important reasons why law firms change their legal calendar management system. When deciding to make a change, it is critical to review a potential new provider’s data migration experience as no two systems are exactly the same. In addition to reviewing a provider’s migration experience, the following law firm best practices will ensure the success of migrating data from your current system to your new system.

Establish a Migration Team

A successful migration team includes key members from the provider’s team and the law firm’s team. A law firm migration team should consist of a team lead, an IT manager and a docket manager. The team lead is responsible for providing approvals for each step of the process. The IT manager will supply the data files and the docket manager will review the migration data before as well as after the migration.

Review the Providers Migration Plan, Process and Timeline

A reputable legal calendaring provider’s migration team will work with the law firm migration team to agree upon a data migration plan and process as well as the timeline for completion. It is important that the approval process be discussed and understood for the timeline to be met. The law firm team should confirm that the migrated data will be made available in a test environment for review of cases and events against a provider checklist to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the transfer.

Set Up User and Attorney Training

While docketing professionals will use the system for inputting cases and events, attorneys typically focus on system output, such as reports. Consequently, it is important that the provider conducts the training sessions separately. Providers should administer initial training sessions for both groups as well as conduct future training for new users and attorneys who join the firm.

Learn how JuraLaw’s migration team uses automated data migration tools to save your firm time and money here.



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